Sunday 20 March 2011


Healing Ritual 

Needed: Candle (Green for healing) Oil (healing) Incense (healing)

Anoint your candle while visualizing the person you wish to heal, see them

in your mind happy and healthy. Then chant:

Wrap thee in cotton Bind thee with love

Protection from pain Surrounds like a glove

May the brightest of blessings Surround thee this night

For thou art cared for Healing thoughts in flight

(Change the words to make the spell your own).


Healing With Poppets

The Poppet can be used for healing purposes--in fact that is probably its primary use.

The Poppet can also be used for love magic. The same construction method is used: two

outlines cut from cloth, sewn together and marked with identifying symbols and characteristics

(all whilst concentrating your thoughts on the person it represents). You should stuff the Poppet

with the herb appropriate for the person's ailment. If ever in doubt as to what to use, stuff the

Poppet with Calendula (also called Marigold, Marybud, Holibud--Calendula officinalis),

which is a cure-all. You should name the Poppet (as in love-magic, to symbolically represent

the person who is to benefit from the healing spell), sprinkling and censing it, then lay it on the altar.

Should you be working for someone who has had surgery, then make an incision in the Poppet in

the appropriate place. Then, taking it up from the altar, concentrate on the healing and direct

your power into the patient as you sew up the incision.

You can do Auric and/or Pranic healing using the Poppet in lieu of the actual person.

Once you have named and consecrated the Poppet, then

anything you do to it, of course, you do to that person.


Fort And Blessing

If you want to do a spell to allfort [a sick friend], try making a witch's ladder.
Take a long blue cord or ribbon, and collect 7 symbols to hang from it -- things like
Grey feathers for protection during sleep, sprigs of healing herbs, garlic for healing
and protection, small talismans, conjure bags, charms you get the idea. The important
thing is that the symbols should represent allfort, protection, and healing. Tie them to
the cord and charge it with allforting power.

Saturday 19 March 2011

Magicka Animus: Your Dedication Ritual

Magicka Animus: Casting A Circle

Magicka Animus: Casting Your First Spell With Candle Magick

Protection Spell

Something to believe in

Give me something to believe in
Cause I don't believe in you anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to try
So this is goodbye
God damn my spinning head

Decisions that made my bed
Now I must lay in it
And deal with things I've left unsaid
Forget what you're going through
Forget about the truth

Lyrics - Maroon 5-- Makes me wonder 

Spell To End a Relationship

Spell To End a Relationship

Visualizing your lover standing with you in a wooded clearing under a full moon. Then visualize a white cord tied first to your waist and then to his/hers. Next, call out to the God/ess,
Once bound together
Through love and understanding
I do now choose
To walk a different path,
To cast off the ties of our union
And to seperate our lives.
Bittersweet though our parting be
Let my heart and soul be free.
Visualize yourself untying the cord from your own waist and walking away from the clearing, leaving him/her behind.


~Protective Chant~
This was written by the great Scott Cunningham.  It can be found in his book titled, "Wicca, A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" on page 185.
It reads. . .

''. . . Visualize a triple circle of purplish light around your body while chanting:
' I am protected by your might,
O gracious Goddess, day and night.'
Another of the same type: visualize a triple circle and chant:

                   'Trice around the circle's bound,
                       evil sink into the ground.'  . . . ''

Knot Spell

To rid yourself of problems or a troublesome situation.

Take cotton yarn in the appropriate color of the problem (green for money, red for love, etc) and pour out your fears and problems in to the yarn. Tie it up in knots to symbolize how "tied-up" you feel. Take it outside and let the wind blow it away along with your negativity. Go back inside and take a ritual bath or shower cleansing.
Best done during the full moon 

Protection Potion

Purpose: to protect yourself and/or loved ones from all types of harm.

Wear gloves when mixing and using. You will need to combine in a jar or bottle:

2/4's Cup of Spring Water

1 Teaspoon Vervain
2 Tablespoons Sea Salt
2 Tablespoons each of Frankincense and Myrrh

Sprinkle water very lightly around home in discreet places (i.e., in closets) and anoint the bottom of your shoes and those of loved ones. Dispose of remainder immediately after use. 

Spell to Reflect Negativity

You will need your magic mirror or a consecrated small round mirror,
a wide-mouthed glass jar, ashes, vinegar, a knife or something else sharp like a razor blade
or piece of broken glass, and an apple.
After sundown, set the jar before the mirror and place in it some ashes.
Fill it up about 2/3 of the way with vinegar.
Take the apple and carve into it something that will represent the person or the negativity which
follows or attacks you. Try and make it as clear as you can-while you carve, infuse the apple
with all of the negativity you perceive around you . Raise the apple above the jar and say:
"Evil send must come to rest
Reflect it back to who knows best
Energy spent for evil and bane,
Go back now from whence you came
Far away I send you this hour
May all your attempts to harm turn sour!"

Place the apple in the jar-for best results do this spell for three consecutive nights.

Warding off the Evil Eye/Blocking Black Magic

Contact Emmanuel with any questions about this spell:
What you need
rosemary, lavender, black pepper, cinnamon, ginger root, and 6 white candles and one black candle.

This spell should be cast during a new moon phase
First cast a magical circle (hail to the guardians)
Next face the north and sit and meditate
Get up and light your candles clockwise all except for the black.
Then when you have lighted your white candles, use a white candle to light the black candle.
Then light the mixture of herbs and spices.
Whatever evil comes to me here
I cast you back, I have no fear
With the speed of wind and the dark of night
May all of your harboring take flight
With the swiftness of the sea
And all the power found in me
As I will so mote it be
Then in a loud voice say ''I cast you out''
and blow out the black candle as hard as you can.
let the mixture burn, then draw an eye on the candle and wrap it in a white cloth and bury it in your back yard.

Banishing Spell for Good or Evil

This spell can be used for a variety of banishing needs: banishing illnesses, bad habits, negativity, etc.,
You will need:
  • Carbon or flash paper
  • Business size envelope
  • A slip of paper that will fit in the envelope
  • Appropriate herbs
    Healing: Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Juniper, Thyme, Willow
    Banishing: Basil, Valerian, Black Pepper, Patchouli, Agrimony, Acacia, Cypress
  • Appropriately colored candles:
    Healing: Green, Blue
    Banishing: Black
    Fast Action: Red
  • Appropriate oil for anointing the candles
    Healing: Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Sandalwood
    Banishing: Basil, Cypress, Acacia, Frankincense
  • Appropriate incense
    Charcoal for the incense if necessary
  • A disposable pen in black ink
At the full moon anoint and charge the candles with the essential oil and bless and charge the herbs you are going to use. Surround the base of the candles with the appropriate herbs and light the candles, cast your circle or otherwise prepare for magic as you normally would.
Cut a human figure out of the carbon paper (designed appropriately as male or female) that will fit inside the envelope. Of course, if you need to, you can use a larger envelope but the business size is generally sufficient.
Lay the figure on the slip of paper between the candles, charge and name it as the individual and with intent write on the figure what you are working on. Such as, if the spell is to heal an illness you might simply write whatever that illness is, for example: "cold/flu." You might also write it over the appropriate body part, such as if it is a head cold write it on the head. If it's to overcome an addiction to cigarettes you might write "cigarettes" on the chest (or where ever you identify most with smoking) and even add a cigarette in the envelope! Be creative with it.
Charge both the paper and the doll with intent, by the elements, etc., and place them and some of the herbs in the envelope and seal it up. Lay it between the candles and allow them to burn until half gone charging and meditating on the purpose of the spell all the while! Store the candles somewhere secure to use later when finishing the spell. Then place the envelope under the mattress of the "ill" person or recipient of the spell if possible. You may also, if it is not possible to put it with the person, place it behind a picture of the person in a frame; inside of a book they gave you, etc., You can also include nail and hair clippings if you like or what you will.
Let this stay undisturbed for as long as needed but it should not exceed one full lunar cycle. When the magic has run it's course and the deed is accomplished, or when the cycle is done light the remainder of the candles and set your circle or prepare as you did before. Then open the envelope and put everything on your altar, between the candles in a fire proof bowl. First burn the slip of paper with the writing along with the herbs and the hair, nails, etc., if you included them in the spell, then burn the doll. As the doll burns it will turn from black to white (great sympathetic stuff here)! As you burn these things be sure to keep focused on the intent (such as banishing the illness, visualize the person whole and healthy, no longer addicted, etc.) Scrape all of the ashes back into the envelope and use some of the candle wax to seal it up again. You can carve symbols in the wax if you like.
Be sure to get rid of EVERYTHING which you used with this ritual (candle nubs, any remaining bits of herbs, the pen, etc., you should not have to get rid of the incense or oil as you should have used it anyhow). Bury or otherwise dispose of the envelope, far away from anyone's home or property.
*Flash paper (the kind magicians use) is great to use for the paper, just be sure the paper is safely in the dish before lighting it! This shows the problem properly vanishing in a flash and the doll burns removing the black and turning to white.
Its a deadly little number so be sure about casting it as what goes out comes back 3x3.

Reflection Spell

This calls for casting a circle because you are using your subconscious mind, and not your conscious mind. Use a round, blessed mirror. Light Patchouli incense. Smear a light coating of allspice around the outer Circle, starting at the top, going in counter clockwise position. Chant:
Bind this (man/woman) I name ________
Bind him/her from our home and life.
Give us peace, remove the strife.
Let their will be free, as long as he/she stays away from me.
Protect our family from this day forth,
Allow _______ to never darken our door.
Reflect back now and please be Quick.
Keep him/her away, if _______ breaks the spell.
Make him/her hear well,
If _____ Comes back here
Make _____ become violently ill.
As I have Willed, So it shall be.
Thank all Elements for attending the right. Close Circle.

Magic Mirror Banishing Spell

Use a magic mirror to capture and banish unwanted spiritual entities. This method is particularly effective for those creatures of the darkness that fear and loathe light.
1. On a bright, sunny day, slowly traverse the infested area, holding the mirror in your hand, tilting it and directing it so that the mirror may capture literally every square inch of the area for at least a few moments each.
2. When you've finished, hold the mirror face down or wrap it in dark fabric.
3. Immediately take the mirror outside and suddenly expose the mirror's face to the sun, for no more than nine seconds. Captured negativity and malevolence are burned out and destroyed. (Capturing the sun's reflection in a mirror is potentially dangerous.)
4. Post protective amulets in the now demon-free area.
5. The area, the mirror, and you yourself all now require thorough spiritual cleansing.
This spell derives from Chinese tradition. The Chinese magic mirror needed for this spell is round, golden and embellished with magical charms and images, but you can substitute any magic mirror.

Protection Against Dream Invaders

There are some people who can invade your dreams, who can travel astrally to your home, or even drain your energy while you sleep.
If you think someone's spirit may be visiting you or your home when you are asleep, try this:
Wrap three fresh apple seeds in a white cloth pouch. Tie the pouch closed. Don't lose the seeds. Safety pin the pouch to the pillow you sleep on. Sleep with the pouch attached to your pillow for seven nights. At the end of the seven nights, remove the three seeds from the pouch and toss them out your front door. On the off chance that a spirit is leaving it's body and traveling to your home, this will make it impossible for it to enter the house. 

Anti-Slander Spell
Protection from Torment and Slander

Time: Waning moon or Dark of the Moon.
You will need:
  • A dark altar or an image of Hecate
  • Two Candles - One black, One blue or white
  • An instrument to inscribe the candle
  • Juice from the Dieffenbachia Plant
  • Spider Webs
  • Pen and Paper
  • Purifying or Calming Incense
Use a dark altar, or an image of Hecate, Avenging Goddess, on your altar. Place two candles on either side of the image. You will need a black candle, juice from a dieffenbachia plant (which numbs and paralyzes the tongue if you get it in your mouth, so don't; you won't need much of it), and spider webs. Inscribe the black candle with your enemy's name. Make your circle. Say the following invocation:

Lady of Darkness,
Dark Isis of spells
Hecate, avenging Mother
Hear us and help us.

Roll the black candle in the juice of the diffenbachia to stop the enemy from speaking evil about you or your loved ones. Say:

Let the tongue of (name) be numb
and powerless to speak the evil,
To speak the untrue.
Let his/her voice fail and throat close
On the harmful words,
By the power of the Dark Lady.

Then roll the candle in spider webs. Say:

May (name) be caught and bound by the webs of his/her own deceit.

Then write the person's name on a piece of paper.
Light the candle and say:

Here is (name), alone and helpless.
(Name), you are friendless.
Emptiness and failure close around you.
Your plans are as nothing.
Frustration is yours.
Trouble, doubt and fear are at your side.
Soon you will cease tormenting me (or name of person you're

Burn the paper in the flame of the black candle. Take it and the remnants of the candle after dark and sprinkle it before the residence of your  enemy, or where the enemy is certain to walk. Light a blue or white candle and burn calming or purifying incense for peace.
Protection Chant
If you are feeling uneasy, nervous or threatened, try repeating this chant quietly to yourself.

Divine Goddess, Goddess Divine,
Divine God, God Divine,
If evil dwells within this place,
Please make it leave my space

Blue Pentacle Visualization
The "Go Away!" Spell
For Getting Rid of Annoying or Abusive People

This is a nice little spell to get rid of people who are bothering you or are in your face.

When the person comes near you just visualize a blazing blue pentacle on his/her forehead. Next, (mentally) say these words:

"I banish you in the name of the positive powers of the universe!"

This little spell works very well, and it harms no one. It just keeps them away from you. It even works on intoxicated people and people on drugs, as well as people who have bad intentions towards you.

(Some people visualize blue flames coming out of the pentacle a little way. This also does not harm anyone). You don't even have to think that you banish them. Just visualize the blue pentacle, with our without blue flames coming out a little way). 

Spell to Rid yourself of Psychic Attacks
Spell to Ward off Psychic Vampires

This is a fairly straight forward spell to rid yourself of psychic vampires (you'll know if you've got one, trust me!)

You will need on your altar :
  • 2 white candles
  • Sea salt in warm water in a cauldron or bowl
  • Incense (frankincense or myrrh are good)
  • Your favorite oil.
Place the candles at the back of the altar, one on the right to represent the God, one on the left for the Goddess. Place the salt water in the centre, and the incense at the front.
Anoint each item with the oil and say :

I ward off negativity in my home, work and everyday life.
No evil or negativity shall enter here.

Picture a white light around you and as it increases to full intensity, picture it surrounding your home and work place Now say :
Psychic vampires in the night
Psychic vampires who destroy my life
Destroy no more of what i achieve
Destroy no more of what i receive
Negativity is not welcome
Evil is not welcome
In me, around me or the people I love.

Repeat this 3 times, then allow the incense and candles to burn themselves out.

Healing Spiritual Illness
A spiritual illness can be felt in a variety of ways.

There may be a feeling of being totally drained, usually a result of depression (which is

an illness of the spirit as well as of the mind), there may be addictions, there may be

a string of bad luck, poor social relationships etc. Spiritual illness can also produce physical illness.

If it is you that is suffering from this illness, cast a circle and then visualize white light

streaming from above into you. You should be able to feel this light like a warm wave

of love. It is the love of The Goddess and of the spirits of your ancestors and guardians

that you carry with you always.

Concentrate on realizing that you are a Star of God sent into this world for spiritual

experience and that the difficulties you are experiencing are only temporary and are

a necessary part of your journey to spiritual enlightenment.


Great Goddess and all you spirits of love that surround me, bring me blessings.

Be with me now and forever.

If this healing is for someone else, you will of course have to persuade them to be

involved in this-if the person is a big cynic, this can be a difficult task, so perhaps

one of the other healing spells would be a better choice. But if the person is into it,

cast a circle, then, as before, visualize white light streaming from above, into your head,

and through your body. Then lay your hands (which will probably have a slight to moderate

tingling feeling) on the person and send the energy flowing into them.


You are filled with the white light of The God/dess.

You are a Star of God.

You are surrounded by loving spirits.

Great God/dess and all you spirits of love that surround (person's name), bring him/her blessings.

Be with him/her, now and forever.

Nothing Hurts Like Love

Broken hearts
Broken dreams
They're just some things that love brings
When you learn that its all been a lie
You cry
You find that


Nothing hurts like love
Nothing brings your heart so much pain
And you'll never learn
Till you get burned
Till you're burned by the flame
Nothing hurts so bad
Nothing hurts so much
No nothing hurts like love 

Opening---Dedication Prayer & Spell


Are you my Mother or my Lover?
Are you the Father of my soul?
Are you one of the same but yet
completely different?
Our connection has been lost.
I once knew you but you have always known me
from inside out you mark my story
with your love Divine ink writes the movie
and even though my history has been tainted
by murderers and slanderers
I have always been painted by your endless love
and even though im hurting
I know you are here
and even though you feel so far
i must understand it is only fear that holds me back from your love
your wisdom, your paths and your advice
So now i think i see through this thick fog what i am to do
Your Life force is all the way throughout creation!
You are creation and creation is you.
In perfect Love and perfect unity the connection is true.
And i know that i will get through this
I am winning!
And though the fog is dark and threatening,
surely it is your perfect light
that calls me homeward
to the perfect island of peace
to your celestial gardens
 for i begin to see you
behind the curtain of obscurity
through the veil of confusion
Tearing through my so called - reality
And it harm none. so shall it be done.
And now i enter into your most inner circle.
Your innermost sanctuary
Love and healing belongs to me
It is my right to be free
and not live in fear, torment and under control
God and Goddess here is my soul
Repair my broken heart i pray
And in this spell i say:
So mote it be now and forever
Throughout all eternity.